Damian, John, Juan and Momberg watching an intense Mario Kart game from backstage.
Damian, John, Juan and Momberg watching an intense Mario Kart game from backstage.
Damian Lemar Hudson performing at Red Rocks
Damian Lemar Hudson performing at Red Rocks
A portrait of Bobby in the legendary tunnel at Red Rocks
A portrait of Bobby in the legendary tunnel at Red Rocks
A fan reacts to Logic performing 1-800 in Chicago
A fan reacts to Logic performing 1-800 in Chicago
Damian asked Bob to take a seat after performing BSM to let him know that he was the greatest.
Damian asked Bob to take a seat after performing BSM to let him know that he was the greatest.
Bob and Chase do their pre show ritual of slightly touching the tips of their fingers
Bob and Chase do their pre show ritual of slightly touching the tips of their fingers
2 second exposure of Damian performing in DC
2 second exposure of Damian performing in DC
Gerry, our head of security, Momberg and Pep, his bodygard, discuss some things before a show in Austin, TX
Gerry, our head of security, Momberg and Pep, his bodygard, discuss some things before a show in Austin, TX
Ricky, our VIP specialist, shot through a mirror in the Austin greenroom
Ricky, our VIP specialist, shot through a mirror in the Austin greenroom
Bob walking to stage before the Michigan performance
Bob walking to stage before the Michigan performance
1 second exposure of Juan, Lenbo and Bob talking backstage before a performance in Michigan
1 second exposure of Juan, Lenbo and Bob talking backstage before a performance in Michigan
Lenbo and Alex, his DJ, smoke a joint after a show in Raleigh, NC
Lenbo and Alex, his DJ, smoke a joint after a show in Raleigh, NC
Logic trying to catch a glimpse of the crowd before a show in Arizona
Logic trying to catch a glimpse of the crowd before a show in Arizona
Bobby, Arkae (pianist), Will (audio tech) and Dane (Monitors) hangout backstage before a show in Philly
Bobby, Arkae (pianist), Will (audio tech) and Dane (Monitors) hangout backstage before a show in Philly
Logic heading on stage in Houston, TX
Logic heading on stage in Houston, TX
Bobby and Jordan, his bodygaurd joking around backstage in Atlanta
Bobby and Jordan, his bodygaurd joking around backstage in Atlanta
Logic performing in Indianapolis.
Logic performing in Indianapolis.
Bryan Warner, the merch god, is one of the most prolific merch manager's in the industry
Bryan Warner, the merch god, is one of the most prolific merch manager's in the industry
2 second exposure of Bob performing.
2 second exposure of Bob performing.
Momberg and Bob share a laugh before a show in a Mesa, AZ
Momberg and Bob share a laugh before a show in a Mesa, AZ
Damian meditating before a show at Red Rocks
Damian meditating before a show at Red Rocks
This image was shot directly after Logic and his bandmates left stage before an encore in Nashville
This image was shot directly after Logic and his bandmates left stage before an encore in Nashville
5 second exposure of Alex falling down after attempting to do a kick flip off the couch
5 second exposure of Alex falling down after attempting to do a kick flip off the couch
An image shot from backstage of Logic performing in Mesa, AZ
An image shot from backstage of Logic performing in Mesa, AZ
The road case essentials of Logic's stage tech, Joe Clay.
The road case essentials of Logic's stage tech, Joe Clay.
Alex and Damian after a show in Atlanta
Alex and Damian after a show in Atlanta
Mike trying to catch some sleep before a show in Dallas, TX
Mike trying to catch some sleep before a show in Dallas, TX
Logic walking off of his bus in AZ
Logic walking off of his bus in AZ
3 second exposure of Damian after performing Black Spider Man in Miami
3 second exposure of Damian after performing Black Spider Man in Miami
Mike after a long night of drinking.
Mike after a long night of drinking.
Alex before the show in Philly.
Alex before the show in Philly.
A shadow of Bob performing, shot from backstage.
A shadow of Bob performing, shot from backstage.
Momberg holding the curtains to the stage.
Momberg holding the curtains to the stage.
2 second exposure of Damian backstage in Miami
2 second exposure of Damian backstage in Miami
Damian and Alex fighting over a football backstage in Charlotte
Damian and Alex fighting over a football backstage in Charlotte
6 second exposure of Damian and Lenny performing
6 second exposure of Damian and Lenny performing
Momberg and super fan, Josh, watching Bob and Damian race GoKarts in Austin, TX
Momberg and super fan, Josh, watching Bob and Damian race GoKarts in Austin, TX
Jordan and Pep during a soundcheck.
Jordan and Pep during a soundcheck.
Classic Bob after meet and greet in Philly
Classic Bob after meet and greet in Philly
Bob at the top of Crater Lake in Oregon.
Bob at the top of Crater Lake in Oregon.
Logic arriving at the venue in Mesa, AZ
Logic arriving at the venue in Mesa, AZ
1 second exposure of the crowd in Kansas City.
1 second exposure of the crowd in Kansas City.
Pep hanging out in the production office in Philly
Pep hanging out in the production office in Philly
The in house crew corner backstage in Michigan
The in house crew corner backstage in Michigan
Juan and Bob sitting atop Crater Lake.
Juan and Bob sitting atop Crater Lake.
Momberg and Emily, Logic's LD, taking a cig break midday.
Momberg and Emily, Logic's LD, taking a cig break midday.
A portrait of Lenbo after his performance at Red Rocks.
A portrait of Lenbo after his performance at Red Rocks.
Bob on the last night of tour in Chicago.
Bob on the last night of tour in Chicago.
Lenbo and Damian preparing to hit the stage in Cleveland
Lenbo and Damian preparing to hit the stage in Cleveland
Smoke break.
Smoke break.
Logic hiding from fans seconds before going on stage in Chicago.
Logic hiding from fans seconds before going on stage in Chicago.
Bob sliding down a railing at Red Rocks
Bob sliding down a railing at Red Rocks
BTS from a spot shoot we had for Logic's 1-800 music video
BTS from a spot shoot we had for Logic's 1-800 music video
Logic preparing to race Damian with 60mph+ GoKarts in Austin
Logic preparing to race Damian with 60mph+ GoKarts in Austin
Justin being Justin
Justin being Justin
Logic signing a fan's prosthetic leg after a show in Minneapolis
Logic signing a fan's prosthetic leg after a show in Minneapolis
Jordan, Pep and Juan waiting outside Bob's green room in Austin
Jordan, Pep and Juan waiting outside Bob's green room in Austin
Alex rolling up after a show at Barclays Center.
Alex rolling up after a show at Barclays Center.
Momberg taking a much deserved toke after back to back show at Bill Graham Auditorium in SF
Momberg taking a much deserved toke after back to back show at Bill Graham Auditorium in SF
Damian and Joey Badass share a moment after his hometown performance in NYC
Damian and Joey Badass share a moment after his hometown performance in NYC
Ansel Elgort and Bob try and juggle pool balls.
Ansel Elgort and Bob try and juggle pool balls.
Pep getting in a workout outside Bob's dressing room.
Pep getting in a workout outside Bob's dressing room.
Joey Clay aka Joey Bluntz
Joey Clay aka Joey Bluntz
Justin attempting to do "smoke tricks"
Justin attempting to do "smoke tricks"
Bob hugging Joe Clays leg before the final show of tour.
Bob hugging Joe Clays leg before the final show of tour.
Damian and Alex after their performance in DC
Damian and Alex after their performance in DC
Damian, John, Juan and Momberg watching an intense Mario Kart game from backstage.
Damian, John, Juan and Momberg watching an intense Mario Kart game from backstage.
Damian Lemar Hudson performing at Red Rocks
Damian Lemar Hudson performing at Red Rocks
A portrait of Bobby in the legendary tunnel at Red Rocks
A portrait of Bobby in the legendary tunnel at Red Rocks
A fan reacts to Logic performing 1-800 in Chicago
A fan reacts to Logic performing 1-800 in Chicago
Damian asked Bob to take a seat after performing BSM to let him know that he was the greatest.
Damian asked Bob to take a seat after performing BSM to let him know that he was the greatest.
Bob and Chase do their pre show ritual of slightly touching the tips of their fingers
Bob and Chase do their pre show ritual of slightly touching the tips of their fingers
2 second exposure of Damian performing in DC
2 second exposure of Damian performing in DC
Gerry, our head of security, Momberg and Pep, his bodygard, discuss some things before a show in Austin, TX
Gerry, our head of security, Momberg and Pep, his bodygard, discuss some things before a show in Austin, TX
Ricky, our VIP specialist, shot through a mirror in the Austin greenroom
Ricky, our VIP specialist, shot through a mirror in the Austin greenroom
Bob walking to stage before the Michigan performance
Bob walking to stage before the Michigan performance
1 second exposure of Juan, Lenbo and Bob talking backstage before a performance in Michigan
1 second exposure of Juan, Lenbo and Bob talking backstage before a performance in Michigan
Lenbo and Alex, his DJ, smoke a joint after a show in Raleigh, NC
Lenbo and Alex, his DJ, smoke a joint after a show in Raleigh, NC
Logic trying to catch a glimpse of the crowd before a show in Arizona
Logic trying to catch a glimpse of the crowd before a show in Arizona
Bobby, Arkae (pianist), Will (audio tech) and Dane (Monitors) hangout backstage before a show in Philly
Bobby, Arkae (pianist), Will (audio tech) and Dane (Monitors) hangout backstage before a show in Philly
Logic heading on stage in Houston, TX
Logic heading on stage in Houston, TX
Bobby and Jordan, his bodygaurd joking around backstage in Atlanta
Bobby and Jordan, his bodygaurd joking around backstage in Atlanta
Logic performing in Indianapolis.
Logic performing in Indianapolis.
Bryan Warner, the merch god, is one of the most prolific merch manager's in the industry
Bryan Warner, the merch god, is one of the most prolific merch manager's in the industry
2 second exposure of Bob performing.
2 second exposure of Bob performing.
Momberg and Bob share a laugh before a show in a Mesa, AZ
Momberg and Bob share a laugh before a show in a Mesa, AZ
Damian meditating before a show at Red Rocks
Damian meditating before a show at Red Rocks
This image was shot directly after Logic and his bandmates left stage before an encore in Nashville
This image was shot directly after Logic and his bandmates left stage before an encore in Nashville
5 second exposure of Alex falling down after attempting to do a kick flip off the couch
5 second exposure of Alex falling down after attempting to do a kick flip off the couch
An image shot from backstage of Logic performing in Mesa, AZ
An image shot from backstage of Logic performing in Mesa, AZ
The road case essentials of Logic's stage tech, Joe Clay.
The road case essentials of Logic's stage tech, Joe Clay.
Alex and Damian after a show in Atlanta
Alex and Damian after a show in Atlanta
Mike trying to catch some sleep before a show in Dallas, TX
Mike trying to catch some sleep before a show in Dallas, TX
Logic walking off of his bus in AZ
Logic walking off of his bus in AZ
3 second exposure of Damian after performing Black Spider Man in Miami
3 second exposure of Damian after performing Black Spider Man in Miami
Mike after a long night of drinking.
Mike after a long night of drinking.
Alex before the show in Philly.
Alex before the show in Philly.
A shadow of Bob performing, shot from backstage.
A shadow of Bob performing, shot from backstage.
Momberg holding the curtains to the stage.
Momberg holding the curtains to the stage.
2 second exposure of Damian backstage in Miami
2 second exposure of Damian backstage in Miami
Damian and Alex fighting over a football backstage in Charlotte
Damian and Alex fighting over a football backstage in Charlotte
6 second exposure of Damian and Lenny performing
6 second exposure of Damian and Lenny performing
Momberg and super fan, Josh, watching Bob and Damian race GoKarts in Austin, TX
Momberg and super fan, Josh, watching Bob and Damian race GoKarts in Austin, TX
Jordan and Pep during a soundcheck.
Jordan and Pep during a soundcheck.
Classic Bob after meet and greet in Philly
Classic Bob after meet and greet in Philly
Bob at the top of Crater Lake in Oregon.
Bob at the top of Crater Lake in Oregon.
Logic arriving at the venue in Mesa, AZ
Logic arriving at the venue in Mesa, AZ
1 second exposure of the crowd in Kansas City.
1 second exposure of the crowd in Kansas City.
Pep hanging out in the production office in Philly
Pep hanging out in the production office in Philly
The in house crew corner backstage in Michigan
The in house crew corner backstage in Michigan
Juan and Bob sitting atop Crater Lake.
Juan and Bob sitting atop Crater Lake.
Momberg and Emily, Logic's LD, taking a cig break midday.
Momberg and Emily, Logic's LD, taking a cig break midday.
A portrait of Lenbo after his performance at Red Rocks.
A portrait of Lenbo after his performance at Red Rocks.
Bob on the last night of tour in Chicago.
Bob on the last night of tour in Chicago.
Lenbo and Damian preparing to hit the stage in Cleveland
Lenbo and Damian preparing to hit the stage in Cleveland
Smoke break.
Smoke break.
Logic hiding from fans seconds before going on stage in Chicago.
Logic hiding from fans seconds before going on stage in Chicago.
Bob sliding down a railing at Red Rocks
Bob sliding down a railing at Red Rocks
BTS from a spot shoot we had for Logic's 1-800 music video
BTS from a spot shoot we had for Logic's 1-800 music video
Logic preparing to race Damian with 60mph+ GoKarts in Austin
Logic preparing to race Damian with 60mph+ GoKarts in Austin
Justin being Justin
Justin being Justin
Logic signing a fan's prosthetic leg after a show in Minneapolis
Logic signing a fan's prosthetic leg after a show in Minneapolis
Jordan, Pep and Juan waiting outside Bob's green room in Austin
Jordan, Pep and Juan waiting outside Bob's green room in Austin
Alex rolling up after a show at Barclays Center.
Alex rolling up after a show at Barclays Center.
Momberg taking a much deserved toke after back to back show at Bill Graham Auditorium in SF
Momberg taking a much deserved toke after back to back show at Bill Graham Auditorium in SF
Damian and Joey Badass share a moment after his hometown performance in NYC
Damian and Joey Badass share a moment after his hometown performance in NYC
Ansel Elgort and Bob try and juggle pool balls.
Ansel Elgort and Bob try and juggle pool balls.
Pep getting in a workout outside Bob's dressing room.
Pep getting in a workout outside Bob's dressing room.
Joey Clay aka Joey Bluntz
Joey Clay aka Joey Bluntz
Justin attempting to do "smoke tricks"
Justin attempting to do "smoke tricks"
Bob hugging Joe Clays leg before the final show of tour.
Bob hugging Joe Clays leg before the final show of tour.
Damian and Alex after their performance in DC
Damian and Alex after their performance in DC
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